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Wide Variety's Weekly Wedding Round - Up.

Bride from Donegal has an interesting choice of transportation to her reception

Sharon Gallagher from Co.Donegal is a professional driver for a coach company in the area. When it came to transportation on her big day, there was only one thing for it - her 53 Seater coach.

The bride drove family and bridesmaids to the church, and got back behind the wheel after she said her vows to get herself and her new husband to the reception.

Her boss, was delighted for the couple and said: “Sharon is buses mad and I suppose it makes sense. Most brides want fancy wedding cars but not Sharon.”

Twitter user goes viral as lends her hand to a surprise engagement

Anyone else fear a surprise engagement whilst your nails are in bits? You know that feeling, it's a sure they'll pop the question one day... but you really hope your other half has the decency to make sure your nails are on fleek first. More often than not, they don't.

That's exactly what happened to one Australian woman.

Jose from Melbourne, Australia organised a surprise engagement, leading girlfriend Diana to believe it was a celebration for her parents wedding anniversary.

Instead, he dropped to one knee and proposed.

Good thing her cousin stepped in to literally lend a hand. The woman’s cousin, Jenna tweeted a pictured showing how she modeled the ring on a perfectly polished hand for the engagement photos.

“Diana is a nurse so she never has her nails done,” Jenna said. “Jose planned this surprise proposal and couldn’t really get her to do her nails without raising suspicion.”

The photo has gone viral with almost 1 million likes and quarter of a million retweets.

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